The sketch first serves to exemplify the contrast* betwixt aspiring and drooping plants, as well as the contrast of colours. I have, also, endeavoured to delineate, but found it impossible to do justice to, the rainbow, either in its vivid hues, or its transparent effect. I should have wished to give an adequate idea of that harmonious contest, which I witnessed, betwixt the vivid meteor in the sky, and the assemblage of objects seeming to vie with the rainbow in the richness of their colours. *[I have occasionally planted, near each other, such trees as the liburnum and the acacia, with weeping birch and willows; adding such flowers and shrubs as gracefully accord, by the pendulous manner of their growth; this makes a source of pleasing variety in our gardens: while, in others, I have collected together all the different species of some beautiful genus: thus, in the thornery at Woburn, are to be found every species of thorn which will bear the climate.]