The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Xvi. Concerning Villas.

White Lodge, Richmond Park, Lord Sidmouth 1

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A modern villa, called WHITE LODGE, is situated nearly in the centre of Richmond Park. This has long been granted by the King as a residence to Lord Viscount Sidmouth. When I first visited the spot in 1805, a small quantity of land had recently been allotted from the park; without which, indeed, the house was before hardly habitable; for, although it was surrounded on every side with varied landscape, and the scenery of a forest rather than that of a park, being one of the royal domains, the deer and cattle of the forest had access to the doors and windows, and were only kept from the corridor by a chain, or hurdle, put across the arches. It is obvious, under such circumstances, that there could be no walks, no privacy, no enjoyment of garden luxuries, either for pleasure or for use: and neither fruit nor vegetables could be raised upon the premises.