The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Xix. Concerning Combination.

Architectural styles

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I CONFESS myself at some loss for an appropriate title for the subject of this section. Perhaps it will best be explained by comparing a mansion of the last century with those venerable piles of more ancient date; many of which have been sacrificed to the prim spruceness of that modern fashion which dictates uniformity of style through the whole building, and, consequently, renders it necessary to hide, by planting, all such offices, or appendages, as cannot be made to assimilate with its character. To this may be added, the prevailing custom of placing a house in the middle of a park, detached from all objects, whether of convenience or magnificence; and thus making a country residence as solitary and unconnected as the prison on Dartmoor.