The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment XIII. Concerning Interiors.

Conservatory mirrors

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A circumstance occurring by accident has led me to avail myself, in many cases, of a similar expedient. Having directed a conservatory to be built along a south wall, in a house near Bristol, I was surprised to find that its whole length appeared from the end of the passage, in a very different position to that I had proposed: but, on examination, I found that a large looking-glass, intended for the saloon (which was not quite finished to receive it), had been accidentally placed in the green-house, at an angle of forty-five degrees, shewing the conservatory in this manner: and I have since made occasional use of mirrors so placed, to introduce views of scenery which could not otherwise be visible from a particular point of view. But, of all the improvements in modern luxury, whether belonging to the architect's or landscape gardener's department, none is more delightful than the connexion of living-rooms with a green-house, or conservatory; although they should always be separated by a small lobby, to prevent the damp and smell of earth; and when a continued covered way extends from the house to objects at some distance, like that at Woburn, it produces a degree of comfort, delight, and beauty, which, in every garden, ought, more or less, to be provided: since there are many days in the year when a walk, covered over head, and open on the side to the shrubbery, may be considered as one of the greatest improvements in modern gardens.