The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment VIII. On Blenden Hall, Kent.

Lake at Blenden Hall, Kent

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The water, at present, consists of two distinct pools; these may be united in appearance, without altering the levels, which would sacrifice too many good trees, if the lower water were raised; and make the banks too steep, if the upper water were sunk. A bridge, however, may be so constructed as to give continuity to the water, making it resemble a river: and this idea would also be assisted by extending the water to the east, as marked on the ground. With such alterations, the water will become a very important feature in the scenery, which, without it, would require some more distant views beyond the place; but a river is always sufficient in itself to form the leading feature of a natural landscape; and with such interesting objects of lawn, wood, and water, in the home scenery, the distant prospect may be dispensed with.