The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment VIII. On Blenden Hall, Kent.

Blenden Hall, entrance

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The entrance may serve as an example for a general remark, which will frequently be applicable to other places. The gate, at present, being in the continued line of the paling, there is hardly room left to enter commodiously. If the gate be set back a few yards, the trees, thrown out into the road, will give that degree of importance to the place, which we may suppose belongs to the manorial right; while a pale, enclosing every tree and bush near the road, counteracts this impression. One other general remark may be useful, however trifling, viz., although the interior fences (to be less visible) may be dark green, yet the entrance gate, and its immediately detached fence, should be white, a little subdued, to avoid the offensive glare of paper whiteness, yet sufficiently white to prevent accidents, which an invisible gate is apt to occasion after sun-set.