The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment III. On Fences Near The House.

Partiality for terraces near houses

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IF there be any part of my practice liable to the accusation of often advising the same thing at different places, it will be true in all that relates to my partiality for a terrace, as a fence near the house. Twenty years have, at length, by degrees, accomplished that line of demarcation betwixt art and nature which I have found so much difficulty in establishing, viz., a visible and decided fence betwixt the mown pleasure-ground, and the pastured-lawn; betwixt the garden and the park; betwixt the ground allotted to the pleasure of man, and that to the use of cattle. So many different modes of producing the same effect may be suggested, that I shall hope to be useful in describing some of them. First, where the ground falls from the house in an inclined plane, the distance of the fence can only be ascertained by actual experiment on the spot, and, of course, the steeper the descent, the nearer, or the lower must be the terrace wall.