If the principal rooms command a south-east aspect (which is, doubtless, the most desirable), the entrance in the centre, with a hall, or vestibule, destroys that uniformity of temperament so obviously useful to the comfort of an English dwelling; and therefore, in at least one half of the houses submitted to my opinion, I have found it necessary to change the hall into a saloon, or the vestibule into an anti-room; making the entrance either in the side, or at the back of the house, and converting the lawn to the south into pleasure-ground, or flower-garden, or a broad terrace, dressed with flowers. This, of course, makes a total change in the arrangement of all those appendages, in which the comfort of houses in the country differs so much from those in a town: in the latter, the offices of every description are under-ground; and the various court-yards, &c., for which there is no space, as in the country, must be provided for in areas and cellars under the street.