The Garden Guide

Book: Colour schemes for the flower garden
Chapter: Chapter 7 The flower border in July

July plant combinations

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The other long beds in this region are for special combinations, some of them of July flowers; e.g., Orange Lilies with the beautiful Clematis recta, a plant but little known, though it is easy to grow and is one of the best of summer flowers. One bed is for blue colouring with grey foliage. Here is the lovely Delphinium belladonna {Delphinium formosum}, with flowers of a blue purer than that of any other of its beautiful kind. It never grows tall, nor has it the strong, robust aspect of the larger ones, but what it lacks in vigour is more than made up for by the charming refinement of the whole plant. In the same bed are the other pure blues of the rare double Siberian Larkspur, and the single allied kind Delphinium grandiflorum, of Salvia patens and of the Cape Daisy (Agathea coelestis {Felicia amelloides}). Between the clumps of Belladonna are bushes of white Lavender, and the whole is carpeted and edged with the white foliage of Artemisia stelleriana, the quite hardy plant that is such a good substitute for the tenderer Cineraria maritima {Senecio cineraria}.