The Garden Guide

Book: Colour schemes for the flower garden
Chapter: Chapter 5 The June garden

Munstead garden hut

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Beyond the lawn and a belt of Spanish Chestnut I have a little cottage that is known as the Hut. I lived in it for two years while my house was building, and may possibly live in it again for the sake of replenishing an over-drained exchequer, if the ideal well-to-do invalid flower-lover or some such very quiet summer tenant, to whom alone I could consent to surrender my dear home for a few weeks, should be presented by a kind Providence. Meanwhile it is always in good use for various purposes, such as seed-drying, pot-pourri preparing, and the like. (A combination of palest yellow broom, young green foliage and richly coloured azaleas reflects a description Gertrude Jekyll gives of mixing soft and strong colours: "White Broom is in flower from the middle of May to the second week of June. There is a fine Flag Iris of a rich purple colour... Then, if one of the hybrid Irises of pale lilac colour is there as well, and a bush of Rosa altaica, the colour-effect will be surprisingly beautiful.")