The Garden Guide

Book: C.M Villiers Stuart Gardens of the Great Mughals
Chapter: Chapter 6 Gardens of the Plains Lahore

Wazir Khan Mosque

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The whole land may be deep in dust, its details lost in the all-prevailing biscuit-coloured Punjab background. There comes a shower of rain, and unnoticed domes and ruined gateways gleam again with the marvellous hues of their few remaining tiles; a touch of sharp, vivid green among brown sunbaked bricks; the purple glaze of a little dome shaded by feathery, dust-grey tamarind trees; some lilies on a lemon ground, seen in the cool shadow of a vaulted portal; or the turquoise of a gay garden arch. The mosque of Wazir Khan, the finest example of Nakkashi work at Lahore, remains complete: an enchanting building, among whose flower-decked tiles the warning motto runs, 'Remove thy heart from the gardens of the world and know that here is the true abode of peace.' [Note Wazir Khan mosque was built in 1634 CE and survives in good condition. The mosque courtyard has a central ablution pool]