An old Indian garden-palace built for the hot weather offers a perfect illustration of harmony of house and garden. For a time I stayed in just such a place, situated far away in the country of the Himalayan foot-hills; a huge walled enclosure, partly fortified. First came the great high gateway which formed the double purpose of entrance hall and quarters for the guard; beyond extended a large flower garden laid out in parterres beside the stream, at the end of which was the men's dining-room. On its other side this building opened on to the rose garden, on the far side of which towered the high palace of the women's quarters, with its delightful roof bedrooms. Here, built into the side walls, a kitchen pavilion on the one hand balanced rooms for guests on the other; while forty feet below lay the large fruit garden, the 'bostand,' with the summer drawing-room delightfully placed in the centre of the largest fountain tank.