In another part of the grounds a terrace had been constructed decorated with chabutras bearing picturesque garden vases. These overlooked a large plot set apart for football or, perhaps,cricket. Then, across the wide mown lawns one came upon a quaint element of the old paradisiacal idea, the tame fawns pacing restlessly round and round, seeking to escape from their little white pavilions. Poor timid creatures, it was a tantalising Paradise for them, for there they were enclosed in the midst of an irrigated kitchen garden full of vegetables and herbs, where the tempting lush green leaves grew close against the pillars of their cages.
The garden 'koti' grew day by day. Every evening on the road outside the little buggies whirled along carrying their drivers to tea and tennis at the cheery Anglo-Indian club. One heard various opinions on the new garden seen over the low wall with its ugly iron railing. Quaint, queer, inexplicable, or frankly hideous were the bewildered comments; but this garden, with its lovely parterres filled with white and yellow flowers, its marble shrines, its playing fields, and captive deer, if not artistically a complete success, was at least the most interesting experiment in the making of a modern Indian garden I had seen.