The Garden Guide

Book: An inquiry into the changes of taste in landscape gardening, 1806
Chapter: An Inquiry Into The Changes Of Taste In Landscape Gardening:


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Although I am aware of the utility of plates to exemplify many parts of this subject, and that one stroke of the pencil will often say more than a page with the pen, yet the enormous expense of engraving has hitherto so confined my opinions to a certain class of purchasers, that they have been either not generally known, or they have been repeated by some without acknowledgment, and misrepresented by others without sufficient quotation. Harestreet, near Romford, 1806. [The greater part of this volume being a republication of Hints and Sketches, we have, of course, confined ourselves to reprinting what has not before appeared, either in that work or in the Observations.-J. C. L.]