The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section X. Embellishments; Architectural, Rustic, and Floral

Winter and spring flower beds

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IN WINTER AND SPRING. BEDS. 1. Anemone Coronaria. 2. 2. Malcomia maritima (Mediterranean stock). 3 and 4. Fine varieties of Tulips. 5. 5. Double rocket Larkspur (sown in autumn). 6. 6. Agathea c�lestis. 7. Scilla nutans (blue harebell). 8. Feathered Hyacinths. 9 and 10. Sweet scented Tulips. 11. Double garden Tulips. 12. Single gesneriana Tulips. 13 and 14. Tritonia crocata, and Tritonia fenestra, kept in frames in mid-winter. 15. 15. 15. 15. Choice herbaceous plants not exceeding one foot six inches in height. 16. 16. Hyacinths, double blue, plunged in pots. 17. Hyacinths, double red, do. 18 and 19. Hyacinths, single blue variety. 20 and 21. Single white Hyacinths. 22 and 23. Crocus vernus and biflorus. 24. Hyacinths, double red. 25 and 26. Tulips, double yellow. 27. Hyacinths, double white. 28. Muscari botryoides, (Grape Hyacinth). 29. Oxalis caprina (kept in frames in mid-winter). 30. Scilla verna (Spring Harebell). 31. Muscari racemosum, the border of Viola tricolor in sorts. 32. Hyacinths, double white. 33. Double rose Larkspur.