The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section VII. Treatment of Ground-Formation of Walks

Tree planting beside approach roads

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This arrangement of trees bordering an extended Approach road, in connexion with the various other groups, masses, and single trees, in the adjacent lawn, will in most cases have the effect of concealing the house from the spectator approaching it, except, perhaps, from one or two points. It has, therefore, been considered a matter worthy of consideration, at what point or points the first view of the house shall be obtained. If seen at too great a distance, as in the case of a large estate, it may appear more diminutive and of less magnitude than it should; or, if first viewed at some other position, it may strike the eye of a stranger, at that point, unfavorably. The best, and indeed the only way to decide the matter, is to go over the whole ground covered by the Approach route carefully, and select a spot or spots sufficiently near to give the most favorable and striking view of the house itself. This, if openings are to be made, can only be done in winter; but when the ground is to be newly planted, it may be prosecuted at any season.