The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section VII. Treatment of Ground-Formation of Walks

Treatment of broken and varied ground

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Should the surface, on the contrary, be somewhat broken or undulating, but not distinctly so, appearing rather heavy and undecided between a level and finely varied ground, the operations must be directed in such a manner as to increase the boldness of the whole. The ground of a country residence is often brought into such a state by the continued action of the plough at some former period, which has gradually levelled down the gentle eminences and filled up the hollows, till in some places it appears scarcely struggling out of a level. The course is then obvious; the superfluous earth which chokes up the valleys, must be removed again to the neighboring hills, where it belongs, when the natural beauty of the ground will be restored. This is effected with comparative facility, as every foot of surface taken from the depression, adds by removal two feet to the height of the adjoining elevation.