The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section VII. Treatment of Ground-Formation of Walks

Roads and walks and plantations

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Roads and walks are so directly connected with operations on the surface of the ground, and with the disposition of plantations, which we have already made familiar to the reader, that we shall introduce in this place a few remarks relative to their direction and formation. A French writer has remarked of them that they are "les rubans qui attachent le bouquet," and they certainly serve as the connecting medium between the different parts of the estate, as well as the means of displaying its various beauties, peculiarities, and finest points of prospect. The Approach is by far the most important of these routes. It is the private road, leading from the public highway, directly to the house itself. It should therefore bear a proportionate breadth and size, and exhibit marks of good keeping, in accordance with the dignity of the mansion.