The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section VII. Treatment of Ground-Formation of Walks

Hills and hollows on flat ground

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Where such a level exists, in some situations, it is almost impossible to improve it much. When, for illustration, the whole surrounding country is equally tame and flat, the creation by artificial means, of undulations, hills, or hollows in a park, would be in such evident contradiction to the natural formation, that the eye would at once detect it as a deception, harmonizing badly with general nature. The best that can be done in such cases, is, perhaps, to produce the greatest possible beauty by plantations and buildings, and not to attempt any alterations of surface, which would be insignificant and absurd. When, however, this is not the case, but the grounds themselves, though nearly level, are surrounded by more bold and spirited variations of surface, a great deal may be effected. In those portions of the grounds nearest the surrounding inequalities, the latter may be apparently carried into the former, and the artificial sweeps, breaks, or undulations in the park may be so connected with each other, and with the neighboring irregularities, as to produce the effect of accordant art joined to the charm of natural expression.