The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section VI. Vines and Climbing Plants

Trumpet Creeper Bignonia radicans Campsis radicans

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The Trumpet Creeper (Bignonia radicans) is a very picturesque climbing plant. The stem is quite woody, and often attains considerable size; the branches, like those of the Ivy and Virginia Creeper, fasten themselves by the roots thrown out. The leaves are pinnated, and the flowers, which are borne in terminal clusters on the ends of the young shoots about midsummer, are exceedingly showy. They are tubes five or six inches long, shaped like a trumpet, opening at the extremity, of a fine scarlet color on the outside, and orange within. The Trumpet Creeper is a native of Virginia, Carolina, and the states further south, where it climbs up the loftiest trees. It is a great favorite in the northern states as a climbing plant, and very beautiful effects are sometimes produced by planting it at the foot of a tall-stemmed tree, which it will completely surround with a pillar of verdure, and render very ornamental by its little shoots, studded with noble blossoms.