The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section VI. Vines and Climbing Plants

Multifloras, Noisettes and other climbing roses

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Some of the climbing Roses are very lovely objects in the pleasure-grounds. Many of them, at the north, as the Multifloras, Noisettes, etc., require some covering in the winter, and are therefore better fitted for the garden. At the south, where they are quite hardy, they are, however, most luxuriant and splendid objects. But there are two classes of Roses that are perfectly hardy climbers, and may therefore be employed with great advantage by the Landscape Gardener-the Michigan and the Boursalt trees. The single Michigan is a most compact and vigorous grower, and often, in its wild haunts in the west, clambers over the tops of tall forest trees, and decks them with its abundant clusters of pale purple flowers. There are now in our gardens several beautiful double varieties of this, and among them, one, called Beauty of the Prairies, is most admired for its large rich buds and blossoms of a deep rose color.