The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section VI. Vines and Climbing Plants

Clematis Periploca graeca

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The connoisseur in vines will not forget the curious Periploca, which grows very rapidly to the height of 40 or 50 feet, and bears numerous branches of very curious brown or purple flowers in summer; or the Double-blossoming Brambles, both pink and white, which often make shoots of 20 or 30 feet long in a season, and bear pretty clusters of double flowers in June. All these fine climbers, and several others to be found in the catalogues, may, in the hands of a person of taste, be made to contribute in a wonderful degree to the variety, elegance, and beauty of a country residence; and to neglect to introduce them would be to refuse the aid of some of the most beautiful accessories that are capable of being combined with trees, as well as with buildings, gardens, and fences.