The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section V. Evergreen Ornamental

White Cedar Thuja spheroida

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The White Cedar (Thuja spheroida*), which belongs to the same genus as the Arbor Vit�, is a much loftier tree, often growing 80 feet high. It can hardly be considered a tree capable of being introduced into cultivated situations, as it is found only in thick swamps and wet grounds. The foliage considerably resembles that of the common Arbor Vit�, though rather narrower, and more delicate in texture. The cones are small and rugged, and change from green to a blue or brown tint in autumn. In the south it is often called the Juniper. (* Cupressus thuyoides of the old botanists.)