The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IX. Landscape Or Rural Architecture

The progressive improvement in Rural Architecture

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It is gratifying to see the progressive improvement in Rural Architecture, which within a few years past has evinced itself in various parts of the country, and particularly on the banks of the Hudson and Connecticut Rivers, as well as in the suburbs of our largest cities. Here and there, beautiful villas and cottages in the Italian or old English styles, are being erected by proprietors who feel the pre-eminent beauty of these modes for domestic architecture. And from the rapidity with which improvements having just claims for public favor advance in our community, we have every reason to hope that our Rural Architecture will soon exhibit itself in a more attractive and agreeable form than it has hitherto generally assumed. We take pleasure in referring to a few of these buildings more in detail.