The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

Ornamental value of the Paper mulberry

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The value of the Paper mulberry, in ornamental plantations, arises from its exotic look, as compared with other trees, from the singular diversity of its foliage, the beauty of its reddish berries, and from the rapidity of its growth. It is deficient in hardiness for a colder climate than that of New York; but further south it is considerably esteemed as a shade-tree for lining the side-walks in cities. In winter its light fawn or ash-colored bark, mottled with patches of a darker grey, contrasts agreeably with other trees. It has little picturesque beauty, and should never be planted in quantities, but only in scattered specimens, to give interest and variety to a walk in the lawn or shrubbery.