The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

Ornamental quality of Osage mock orange

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As an ornamental tree, the Osage orange is rather too loose in the disposition of its wide-spreading branches, to be called beautiful in its form. But the bright glossy hue of its foliage, and especially the unique appearance of a good sized tree when covered with the large, orange-like fruit, render it one of the most interesting of our native trees; while it has the same charm of rarity as an exotic, since it was introduced from the far west, and is yet but little planted in the United States. On a small lawn, where but few trees are needed, and where it is desirable that the species employed should all be as distinct as possible, to give the whole as much variety as can be obtained in a limited space, such trees should be selected as will not only be ornamental, but combine some other charm, association, or interest. Among such trees, we would by all means give the Osage orange a foremost place. It has the additional recommendation of being a fine shade tree, and of producing an excellent and durable wood.