The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

Ornamental hickory trees

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The most ornamental species are the Shellbark hickory, the Pignut, and the Pecan-nut. The former and the latter produce delicious nuts, and are highly worthy of cultivation for their fruit alone; while all of them assume very handsome shapes during every stage of their growth, and ultimately become noble trees. Varieties of the Shellbark hickory are sometimes seen producing nuts of twice or thrice the ordinary size; and we have not the least doubt that the fruit might be so improved in size and delicacy of flavor by careful cultivation, as greatly to surpass the European walnut, for the table. This result will probably be attained by planting the nuts of the finest varieties found in our woods, in rich moist soil, kept in high cultivation; as all improved varieties of fruit have been produced in this way, and not, as many suppose, by cultivating the original species. These remarks also apply to the Pecan-nut; a western sort, which thrives well in the middle states, and which produces a nut more delicate in flavor than any other of this continent. These trees form strong tap-roots, and are, therefore, somewhat difficult to transplant; but they are easily reared from the nut; and, for the reason stated above, this method should be adopted in preference to any other, except in particular cases.