The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

Lime tree in ancient formal gardens

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It was a favorite tree in the ancient style of gardening, as it bore the shears well, and was readily clipt into all manner of curious and fantastic shapes. When planted singly on a lawn, and allowed to develope itself fully on every side, the linden is one of the most beautiful of trees. Its head then forms a fine pyramid of verdure, while its lower branches sweep the ground and curve upwards in the most pleasing form. For this reason, though the linden is not a picturesque tree, it is very happily adapted for the graceful landscape, as its whole contour is full, flowing, and agreeable. The pleasant odor of its flowers is an additional recommendation, as well as its free growth and handsome leaves. Were it not that of late it is so liable to insects, we could hardly say too much in its praise as a fine ornament for streets and public parks. There, its regular form corresponds well with the formality of the architecture; its shade affords cool and pleasant walks, and the delightful odor of its blossoms is doubly grateful in the confined air of the city. Our basswood has rather less of uniformity in its outline than the European lindens, but the general form is the same.