The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

Hawthorn trees Rosacae

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Nat. Ord. (Natural Order) Rosac�. Lin. Syst. (Linnean System) Icosandria, Di-pentagynia. A tree of the smallest size; but though many of the sorts attain only the stature of ordinary shrubs, yet some of our native species, as well as the English Hawthorn (C. oxycantha), when standing alone, will form neat, spreading-topped trees, of twenty or thirty feet in height. Although the thorn is not generally viewed among us as a plant at all conducive to the beauty of scenery, yet we are induced to mention it here, and to enforce its claims in that point of view, as they appear to us highly entitled to consideration. First, the foliage�deep green, shining, and often beautifully cut and diversified in form �is prettily tufted and arranged upon the branches; secondly, the snowy blossoms�often produced in such quantities as to completely whiten the whole head of the tree, and which in many sorts have a delightful perfume �present a charming appearance in the early part of the season; and thirdly, the ruddy crimson or purple haws or fruit, which give the whole plant a rich and glowing appearance in and among our fine forests, open glades, or wild thickets, in autumn.