The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

Chinese Magnolia trees

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The foreign sorts introduced into our gardens from China, are the Chinese purple (M. purpurea), which produces an abundance of large delicate purple blossoms early in the season; the Yulan or Chinese White Magnolia (M. conspicua), a most abundant bloomer, bearing beautiful white, fragrant flowers in April, before the leaves appear; and Soulange's Magnolia (M. Soulangiana), a hybrid between the two foregoing, with large flowers delicately tinted with white and purple. These succeed well in sheltered situations, in our pleasure-grounds, and add greatly to their beauty early in the season. Grafted on the cucumber tree, they form large and vigorous trees of great beauty.