The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Stuttgart vegetable markets

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404. The vegetable market at Stuttgard is abundantly supplied at all seasons. In November, 1828, we found there great quantities of lamb's lettuce of different ages, young carrots, very young leeks, young kohl-rabi, cauliflowers, Teltow turnips, Swedish turnips, carrot-shaped white turnips, curled Hamburgh parsley, scorzonera, endive, lettuce, chervil, scurvy grass, spinach, and cabbages of various kinds, particularly the sugarloaf cabbage, which is raised in great quantities at a village long celebrated for this vegetable, and sent to Holland and other countries, as an article of commerce. The fruits were chiefly apples, pears, walnuts, and filberts. The flowers, stocks, chrysanthemums, and China roses in pots.