The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Nuremberg market gardens

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403. The vegetable, fruit, and flower market at Nuremberg displayed, Nov. 13. 1828, abundance of the cabbage tribe, all the roots grown in England, with bulbous-rooted celery, and Hamburgh parsley, onions and leeks, black and white winter radishes, Teltow turnips, rutabaga, endive, sorrel, spinach, lettuce, pears, apples, walnuts, chestnuts, filberts, and cauliflowers. There were also roses, pelargoniums, stocks, and other flowers of the season in pots, and nosegays, and great abundance of marsh-mallow roots, and of various herbs used medicinally.