The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

White Beam Pyrus Aria

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The White Beam (Pyrus Aria) is another foreign species, also bearing bunches of handsome scarlet berries, and clusters of white flowers. The leaves, however, are not pinnated, but simply serrated on the margin. It grows 30 feet high, and as the foliage is dark green on the upper side, and downy white beneath, it presents an effect greatly resembling that of the Silver poplar in a slight breeze. Abroad, the timber is considered valuable; but here it is chiefly planted to produce a pleasing variety among other trees, by its peculiar foliage, and scarlet autumnal fruit. All the foregoing trees grow naturally in the highest, most exposed, and often almost barren situations. When, however, a rapid growth is desired, they should be planted in a more moist and genial soil. They are easily propagated from the seed, and some of the sorts may be grafted on the pear or hawthorn. The seeds, in all cases, should be sown in autumn.