The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

The Red or Slippery elm. Ulmus fulva.

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The Red or Slippery elm. (U. fulva.) A tree of lower size than the White elm, attaining generally only 40 or 50 feet. According to Michaux, it may be distinguished from the latter even in winter, by its buds, which are larger and rounder, and which are covered a fortnight before their development with a russet down. The leaves are larger, rougher, and thicker than those of the White elm; the seed-vessels larger, destitute of fringe; the stamens short, and of a pale rose color. This tree bears a strong likeness to the Dutch elm, and the bark abounds in mucilage, whence the name of Slippery elm. The branches are less drooping than those of the White elm.