The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

Salisburia adiantifolia Ginko

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Salisburia adiantifolia is the only species. In the United States it appears to flourish best in a rich fertile soil, rather dry than otherwise. South of Albany it is perfectly hardy, and may therefore be considered a most valuable acquisition to our catalogue of trees of the first class. It has hitherto been propagated chiefly from layers; but cuttings of the preceding year's growth, planted early in the spring, in a fine sandy loam, and kept shaded and watered, will also root without much difficulty. When the old trees already mentioned (which have doubtless been raised from seed) begin to blossom, plants reared from them by cuttings or grafts, will, of course, produce blossoms and fruit much more speedily than when reared from the nut.