The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

Butternut Juglans cathartica

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The Butternut (J. cathartica) belongs to this section, and is chiefly esteemed for its fruit, which abounds in oil, and is very rich and sweet. The foliage somewhat resembles that of the Black walnut, though the leaflets are smaller and narrower. The form of the nut, however, is strikingly different, being oblong, oval, and narrowed to a point at the extremity. Unlike the walnut, the husk is covered with a sticky gum, and the surface of the nut is much rougher than any other of the walnut genus. The bark of the butternut is grey, and the tops of old trees generally have a flattened appearance. It is frequently an uncouth, ill-shapen, and ugly tree in form, though occasionally, also, quite striking and picturesque. And it is well worthy of a place for the excellence of its fruit.*