The Garden Guide

Book: Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening, 1795
Chapter: Criticism of Repton's before and after drawings

Sphere of vision

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But if, in any picture, it be very much exceeded, the right lines of the edge cease to be the limit of sight; they come distinctly and positively within the sphere of vision; they cut painfully upon the eye, and we feel exactly that harsh and violent impression on the eye, which, in a piece of music (for the main principles in all fine arts are essentially the same), would be caused on the ear, by the sounds suddenly and decisively ceasing in the midst of a burst of melody, instead of being guided scientifically to its close. Nothing can be more utterly destructive of all the good qualities of a picture-nothing can be more fatal to its composition, more murderous of its repose, more unjust to the artist, or more painful to the spectator-than such reduction of its just limits.