The Garden Guide

Book: Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening, 1795
Chapter: Chapter 3: Concerning proper situations for a house

Welbeck landform design

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The family apartments are to the south, the principal suite of rooms to the east, and the hall and some rooms of less importance to the west; when, therefore, the eating-room and kitchen offices shall be removed to the north, it is impossible to make a better disposition of the whole, with regard to aspect. I shall therefore proceed to the fourth general head proposed for consideration, viz., the shape of the ground near the house: and as the improvement at Welbeck, originally suggested by his Grace the Duke of Portland, has, I confess, far exceeded even my own expectations, I shall take the liberty of drawing some general conclusions on the subject, from the success of this bold experiment. At the time I had the honour to deliver my former opinion, my idea of raising the ground near the house was confined to the west front alone; and, till it had been exemplified and executed, few could comprehend the seeming paradox of burying the bottom of the house, as the means of elevating the whole structure; or, as it was very wittily expressed, "moulding up the roots of the venerable pile, that it might shoot up in fresh towers from its top."