The Garden Guide

Book: London Parks and Gardens, 1907
Chapter: Chapter 8 Commons and Open Spaces

Camberwell Green

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Camberwell has one of the large village greens of South London, and has been made into a satisfactory garden. All the trams seem to meet there, but in spite of the din it is a pleasant garden in which to rest. The 2.5 acres are well laid out, and the clipped lime-trees round the railings are a protection from the street which other places would do well to copy. When the trees are in leaf the garden is partially hidden even from those on the tops of omnibuses. These greens scattered round London help to connect the larger areas, thus forming links in the chain of open spaces which encircles London. These natural recreation grounds are the admiration of all foreigners and a priceless boon to the citizens, ensuring the preservation of green grass and green trees to refresh their fog-dimmed eyes, at no great distance from the throne of city life. [The crossroads at the centre of Camberwell is the site of Camberwell Green, a very small area of common land which was once a traditional village green on which was held an annual fair of ancient origin which rivaled that of Greenwich. The green was once a peaceful place, but, owing to the noise of passing traffic, now could not be described as peaceful. An extensive range of bus routes have stops at Camberwell Green (see the link to the bus spider map below for details). Wikipedia, 2007]