The Garden Guide

Book: London Parks and Gardens, 1907
Chapter: Chapter 5 Greenwich Park

Wild flowers and birds

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The most recent changes in the Park have all been improvements, and now it is beautifully kept. There is much that is still wild, and the flora and fauna of the Park would astonish many. Among the wild flowers butcher's broom, spindle, and the parasites on the heather and the broom, dodder and broom-rape are to be found, and hart's-tongue, wall rue, polypody and male and lady ferns. The list of birds that breed there still is a long one:- Barndoor owl. Spotted fly-catcher. Missel and the song thrush. Blackbird. Hedge sparrow. Robin. Sedge and reed warblers. Black-cap. White-throat. The great, blue, and cole tits. Pied wagtail. Common bunting. House sparrow. Greenfinch. Linnet. Bullfinch. Starling. Carrion crow. Jackdaw. Green woodpecker. Tree creeper. Wren. Nuthatch. Swallow. Ring, turtle, and stock doves Pigeon. Moorhen. Lesser grebe. The part of the Park fenced off and known as the Wilderness is quiet and undisturbed; there under the big trees, among long grass and bracken, the young fawns are reared every year. They are most confiding and tame-those in the Park too much so; for they are only too ready to eat what is given them, and tragic deaths from a surfeit of orange-peel or such-like delights are the result.