Pepys, who always did the right and fashionable thing, of course often went to Greenwich, and mentions many pleasant days there. On one occasion (June 16, 1662) he went "in the afternoon with all the children by water to Greenwich, where I showed them the King's yacht, the house, and the parke, all very pleasant; and to the taverne, and had the musique of the house, and so merrily home again." This excursion having been so successful, he soon after escorted Lady Carteret with great pride, "she being very fine, and her page carrying up her train, she staying a little at my house, and then walked through the garden, and took water, and went first on board the King's pleasure-boat, which pleased her much. Then to Greenwiche Parke; and with much ado she was able to walk up to the top of the hill, and so down again, and took boat..." His wife and servants, unencumbered by the fine clothes and the page, had evidently not minded the steep ascent as did this "fine" lady, who, however, was "much pleased with the ramble in every particular of it."