IN writing about London Parks the obvious starting-point seems to be the group comprising Hyde, Green, and St. James's Parks, which are so intimately connected with London life to-day, and have a past teeming with interest. What changes some of those elms have witnessed ! Generation after generation of the world of fashion have passed beneath their shades. Dainty ladies with powder and patches have smiled at their beaux, perhaps concealing aching hearts by a light and careless gaiety. Stately coaches and prancing horsemen have passed along. Crowds of enthusiasts for various causes have aired their grievances on the green turf. Brilliant reviews and endless parades have taken place on the wide open spaces; games and races have amused thousands of spectators. In still earlier times there was many a day's good sport after the deer, or many a busy hour's ploughing the abbey lands of the then Manor of Hyde. Scene after scene can be pictured down to the present time, when, after centuries of change, the enjoyment of these Parks remains perhaps one of the most treasured privileges of the Londoner.