The Garden Guide

Book: London and Its Environs, 1927
Chapter: 47 Hammersmith, Chiswick and Fulham


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Beyond Oil Mill Lane and Hammersmith Terrace, at Nos. 7-8 in which De Loutherbourg, the painter, died in 1812, we enter Chiswick, the older part of which is both picturesque and interesting for its associations. Chiswick Mall is another charming old riverside street. Walpole House, a fine example of the Restoration period, was formerly a private school attended by Thackeray, and is supposed to be the original of Miss Pinkerton's establishment for young ladies in 'Vanity Fair.' Opposite lies Chiswick Eyot. At the end of the Mall is the parish church of St. Nicholas, rebuilt in 1884 but retaining its 15th century tower and some old monuments. In the churchyard are buried William Hogarth (1697-1764), with a large monument surmounted by an urn on the south side of the church, erected by Garrick; De Loutherbourg (died 1812); William Kent (died 1748), gardener, architect, and painter; the Countess of Fauconberg (died 1713), Cromwell's daughter; and the Duchess of Cleveland (died 1709), mistress of Charles II. By the north wall of the new burial-ground farther to the west lies James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903), beneath a bronze altar-tomb by E. Godwin (1912). Church Walk, between the church and the river, contains some quaint old fishermen's cottages. From Church St., in which is the Burlington Arms, a picturesque inn dating from 1507, Burlington Lane and Hogarth Lane diverge on the west. In the latter, on the left, lies Hogarth's House, the summer abode of William Hogarth from 1749 to 1764, afterwards (1814-26) occupied by Cary, translator of Dante. The simple panelled rooms now contain a collection of Hogarth's prints and a few personal souvenirs, and in the garden is his mulberry tree. Admission (6d., guide 1/) on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 11 to 5 (September-April 11-3). Burlington Lane leads west to (l+ miles) Strand-on-the-Green and Kew Bridge, passing Chiswick House, a famous mansion built circa 1730 by the art-loving 3rd Earl of Burlington on the lines of the Rotonda Capra (1550), the original 'Palladio's Villa,' near Vicenza, and much enlarged for the dukes of Devonshire to whom it passed by marriage in 1753. C. J. Fox died here in 1806, and Canning in 1827. Among later tenants were Edward VII., when Prince of Wales, and the Marquis of Bute. The house, with its fine grounds, is now (1926) the property of Chiswick District Council.