The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: 1998 Captions

Chapter 10 Captions: Transport Planning

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Chapter 10. Transport 10.1 Our word 'road' comes from the Old English ridan. Roads were for riding horses. 10.2 Cycleways can be made as 'baby roads', ignoring the preferences of cyclists and pedestrians. 10.3 A 'street' used to be a multi-functional space fronted by buildings and used for transport, markets, public festivals, children's play and social intercourse of every kind (St Mary's Wynd in Edinburgh). 10.4 Old roads had wide verges for animals to graze, travellers to rest and musicians to play. 10.5 Colours can be used to symbolise intended street character [street]. 10.6 Since it would be crazy to have separate tracks for each transport mode, we have to plan ways of sharing paved surfaces. [trtypes1] 10.7 Ancient tracks should be conserved as ancient monuments. They should not be 'modernized'. 10.8 Old tracks should be conserved. Honister Pass in 1935 (above) and 1996 (below) & [Note: pics must be printed at same scale] 10.9 The detailing of roadside land should relate to the patterns of the existing landscape - not the drawings in a road-engineers manual. Left, road alignment; centre, engineered road; left, contextualised road [roadbnk2]. 10.10 There can be no excuse for the ugly and anti-ecological character of most detention basins 10.11 The 'flowing alignment' is visually satisfactory in undulating country . 10.12 Le Corbusier, hating the influence of horse traffic upon cities, reproduced this plan of Ulm in The City of Tomorrow and, as a caption, wrote: "Six centuries later, everything remains the same!" 10.13 Bridleways tend to be narrow, muddy and plagued by sharp branches . 10.14 People enjoy driving off-road vehicles (Courtesy of Land Rover) . 10.15 Victorian Parks had roads for horse-drawn traffic (above), which should be returned to horse-drawn vehicles (below). 10.16 Who could resist the charm of cycling on such an attractive cycleway [in Utrecht]. 10.17 A modern guillotine in Dartford, England, designed for cyclists . 10.18 If cycle-routes and cycle-storage are provided, university campuses will be places of intensive cycle-use, 10.19 Do cyclists and skaters require segregated lanes? 10.20 Footpaths can be made by feet for feet. 10.21 Pedestrianisation schemes in Bayreuth (above) and Frankfurt (below). 10.22 Traffic 'calming' schemes should not be vindictive . 10.23 Functional traffic calming in Cologne . 10.24 Environmental traffic calming in Utrecht . 10.25 Edinburgh New Town was made by laying out the streets before any of the buildings were designed. The streets were well proportioned, fitted to the topography and aligned on dramatic views. This is an excellent approach to urbanisation.