The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Napoleonic garden design

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227.During the empire, landscape gardening made little progress. Napoleon formed a winding road, or drive, in the park of Fontainebleau, for the purpose of taking exercise; and the scenery on each side of it was opened up a little, so as to resemble the free or natural manner. It is also said (Lit. Gaz., Jan. 19. 1830) that he had formed a plan for roofing over with glass the garden of the Tuileries, so as to make it a winter promenade. Nothing, however, was done at St. Cloud, the principal imperial residence, and but very little at either of the Trianons. Versailles was never occupied; and the theatre of the palace there, when we saw it in 1814, was said to be exactly in the same state in which it was left after a masquerade, which was given by Marie Antoinette before the Revolution. The emperor's generals were too frequently in the field to have leisure to attend to their gardens.