The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

German garden designers

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406. The artists or architects of gardens, in Germany, are generally the land-baumeisterey, or those architects who have directed their attention chiefly to country buildings. Where only a kitchen or flower garden is to be formed, an approved practical gardener is commonly reckoned sufficient. It occasionally happens, that a nobleman who wishes to lay out an extensive garden, after fixing on what he considers a good gardener of some education, and capable of taking plans, sends him for a year or two to visit the best gardens of England, Holland, and France. On his return, he is deemed qualified to lay out the garden required; which he does, and afterwards attends to its culture, and acts as a garden architect (garten-baumeister) to the minor gentry of his neighbourhood. The operative gardeners in Germany are generally very well informod.