The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Gardening climate in Germany

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303. The climate and circumstances of Germany are less favourable to landscape-gardening than those of Britain. Mayer, a scientific practical gardener and author, who studied his art in the royal gardens at Paris, and afterwards spent some time in England, viewing the principal country-seats, is of this opinion. (Pom. Franc., 1776.) He considers grounds laid out in the ancient style as 'insipid and monotonous, from their regularity, and only calculated to produce sadness and ennui. If their aspect strikes at the first glance, it fatigues and tires at the second, and certainly is revolting and disgusting at the third. ' He admires English gardens in England, but states three objections to their introduction in Germany: the inferiority of the pasturage, the expense and want of space, and the necessity and advantage of attending to the culture of legumes and fruits. A mixed style is what he prefers, and what he adopted in the episcopal gardens which he laid out and managed at Wurtzburg.