The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Forestry in France

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276. The French planter of timber trees affords excellent examples to the British arboriculturist in the art of planting trees in lines, and, indeed, in all geometrical forms. He is also superior to him in his mode of preparing the soil, pruning the trees, planting them, and pruning them afterwards, in the case of plantations made in cities, public walks, or avenue roads. In France, the British gardener may receive the same lesson so admirably taught him in Belgium (ᄎ 195.). 'The gardens of the peasantry, and small proprietors in France,' says Moggridge, 'are small; but the latter grow many vegetables in their open plots of land, which, in England, are grown in our best cottage gardens. The house, however small, has invariably a vine or apricot tree trained against it, frequently both; and the woodbine and the rose cluster round the door and windows. ' (Gard. Mag., vol. vii. p. 488.)