The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Dronningard Park

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425. Dronningard may be considered as one of the best examples of the English style. It is an extensive park, the late residence of an eminent Dutch banker, De Conninck, about twelve miles from Copenhagen. The grounds are situated on a declivity, which descends to a natural lake of great extent, whose circuitous shores are bordered with thick woody scenery, and country houses. The soil here approaches more to a clayey loam than is general on the Continent; and the climate being cold, the turf is of a deep tone of green, and of close texture. The oak and beech abound in these grounds, as well as firs, and a number of exotics. Buildings are not too frequent; but there are several, and among them is a hermitage, to which one of the family actually retired, on occasion of a matrimonial disappointment, and lived there for several years, till roused and restored to active life by the dangers of his country.