The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Baron Pappenheim of Combe-la-Ville

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258. The acclimatising of trees and shrubs was attempted on an extensive scale by the late Baron Pappenheim, at Combe-la-Ville, on the Yeres, not far from Paris; and the plantations of the father have been continued by the son. The situation is on a high bank, facing the north, and sloping down to the river. The late baron commenced his experiments in 1819, assisted by his very intelligent gardener, Mr. Cappe. On the sloping bank he planted all the magnolias, several camellias, including the green tea; Illicium floridanum, O'lea europï¾µ'a, Andromeda arborea, Araucaria, Cunninghamia, Photinia, Eriobotrya, and a number of similar trees and shrubs; all of which had, when we saw them, in 1828, resisted the severity of the preceding nine winters, with no other protection than dry leaves laid about the roots, straw tied round the stems, and with the branches in some cases wrapped up in mats. It may here be observed, that though the climate of the neighbourhood of Paris is more severe than that in the neighbourhood of London, yet, the air being drier, plants enveloped in leaves, straw, or mats, are much less apt to damp off, when so treated, in the former district, than in the latter.